Videos from the 2019 IPITA Congress

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Session 1 : Utility and utilization of the Igls criteria

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    The Igls criteria: refresher
    Michael Rickels
    Application of the Igls Criteria: The UCSF Islet Experience
    Yvonne Kelly
    Real-life application of the criteria: Issues and comparative results (pancreas vs islets) - Reports from pancreas and islet transplant centers
    Axel Andres
    Pancreas transplantation alone versus islet transplantation alone: a comparison using the 2018 Igls criteria
    Caterina Conte
    IPITA pre-congress workshop Real-life application of the Igls criteria
    Michiel Nijhoff

Session 2 : Assessment and improvement of the Igls criteria

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    Pre-transplant metabolic assessment of the patient
    Michael Rickels
    How can the Igls criteria be used to impact on patient management?
    Peter Senior

Session 3 : Immuno monitoring of beta cell replacement

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    Current immune monitoring practices
    Peter Stock
    Significance of DSA monitoring of pancreas or islet grafts
    Olivier Thaunat
    Pancreas graft biopsy
    Pablo Uva

Session 4 : Expanding the application of the Igls criteria

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    Applicability to islet autotransplants
    Melina Bellin
    Assessing PTDM after beta-cell replacement
    Eelco de Koning
    Comparing transplants with artificial pancreas: what metrics?
    Tom Kay
    Definition of success as a function of risk
    Lorenzo Piemonti

Opening Ceremony

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    Xavier Martin
    Thierry Berney
    What is left of Claude Bernard in the Internet era ?
    Pierre Corvol
    Artificial Intelligence in medicine: the good, the bad, the ugly
    Christian Lovis

Opening the echo chamber - Perspectives on curing diabetes

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Richard Lillehei lecture

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Symposium on islet xenotransplantation

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    Clinical update of islet transplantation at the University of Chicago
    Piotr Witkowski
    Challenges of regulatory issues in islet transplantation
    Barbara Barbaro

Oral 2 - Islet cell biology and beta-cell survival

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    Withaferin A Attenuates Release of Exosomal Isletokines in Response to Islet ER Stress
    P. Saravanan
    Stress-released miR 29b-3p+ and miR 216a-5p+ islet cell exosomes induce immune cell uptake and inflammatory gene response
    S. Vasu
    Exosomal Signaling Between Alpha and Beta Cells
    J. Kalivarathan
    Biosynthetic activity differs between islet cell types and is modulated by glucose and other secretagogues
    D. Cottet Dumoulin
    Recombinant Nidogen-1 Significantly Improves Survival of Hypoxic Human Islets
    D. Brandhorst
    An inflammatory independent role for P65 (RELA) in insulin homeostasis
    N.W. Zammit
    Islet protection by dimethyl fumarate in non-obese diabetic mice
    S. Li
    Establishing a whole pancreas biopsy collection protocol for the Quality in Organ Donation (QUOD) Biobank
    M. Honkanen-Scott

Oral 1 - Clinical pancreas transplantation : graft assessment

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    Contribution of early systematic CT-angiography in the follow up of patients with pancreatic allograft
    H. Ye
    Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography - A Novel Technique for Assessment of Allograft Perfusion in Early Post-Operative Period After Pancreas Transplant
    J. Fridell
    18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography - computed tomography (18FFDG PET-CT) for diagnosing pancreas graft rejection and monitoring treatment response
    C. Conte
    Performance of pancreas graft biopsies in the management of pancreas transplant recipients
    F. Buron
    Results of kidney and pancreas biopsies performed at time of re-laparotomy during the first month after pancreas transplantation.
    P. Uva
    Quantifiable loss of insulin secretory granules in protracted delayed endocrine pancreas graft function in comparison to controls
    C. Drachenberg
    Incidence of sub-clinical graft rejection diagnosed in per protocol pancreas biopsy
    P. Ventura-Aguiar

Pitch 1

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    Peripheral blood T- and B-cells as predictors of acute rejection in pancreas transplant recipients
    P. Ventura-Aguiar
    Early worsening of diabetic retinopathy after simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation?
    B. Voglova
    BMI is not Universally Predictive of Pancreas and Islet Lipid Content
    A. Feeney
    Impact of ischemia time on islet isolation success and post-transplantation clinical outcomes: a retrospective study on 452 pancreas isolations
    C. Wassmer
    Interferon-gamma increases the protein expression of the immunomodulatory marker HLA-E in human amniotic epithelial cells in vitro
    F. Lebreton
    IL-10 production by in vitro-expanded, human B cells
    G. Perkins
    Denovo Use of Once daily Extended release Tacrolimus (Envarsus XR) in Pancreas transplant recipients: A Single Center Experience
    H. Shokouh-Amiri
    The incidence of fungal infections in pancreas transplant recipients in the absence of systemic antifungal prophylaxis
    S. Shaikh

Pitch 2

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    Preservation of Pancreatic Islets with Stem Cell Derived CD34+ Vascular Endothelial Progenitor Cells
    C. Ward
    Fracture risk in patients with type 1 diabetes undergoing remission through pancreas transplant alone
    C. Conte
    3D Bioprinting of islets with adipose-derived stem cells into a scaffold improves islet function and survival
    S. Abadpour
    iPSC from a patient with monogenic diabetes for autologous beta cell replacement
    A. Cospito
    Formation of a Beta Cell Mass by Device-Encapsulated hiPS-Derived Pancreatic Endoderm Implanted in a Preformed Subcutaneous Pouch in Mice.
    T. Robert
    Evaluation of usefulness of new devices aimed at development of bioartificial islet transplantation without immunosuppressant
    K. Ajima
    Novel vascularization strategies to improve stem cell derived pancreatic progenitor engraftment for type 1 diabetes treatment.
    Y. Aghazadeh
    Problems in realiziation of xenogenic or iPS cell-derived islet cell transplantation from the viewpoint of development of a new transplantation site
    K. Inoguchi

Pitch 3

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    Is there any Prognostic Value of Diabetes-Associated Autoantibody Levels for Predicting Islet Graft Function in Patients with Long-Standing Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus?
    P. Bachul
    Interest of Doppler Ultrasound in the diagnosis of vascular thrombosis after pancreatic allograft
    H. Ye
    Effect of undercarboxylated osteocalcin on β-cell function and survival after islet isolation using obese vb non-obese pancreas donor in a murine model of islet transplantation
    MF. Desentis-Desentis
    Islet Surface Modification with Bissulfosuccinimidyl Suberate: A Novel Approach
    J. Kalivarathan
    Assessment of marginal islet graft function in the greater omentum and its viability in vivo by bioluminescence imaging in diabetic rats.
    Z. Hladikova
    Ex-situ hypothermic perfusion of non-human primates pancreas: an experimental model
    T. Prudhomme
    Examining the Host Response to Cell Encapsulation Devices with 3D Printed Multiscale Porous Coatings.
    RE. Levey

Pitch 4

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    Single center surgical technique of motified Arterial Revascularization in Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation
    Y. Fu
    A retrospective study of Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation from a single center experience
    Y. Fu

Mini Oral 1 - Islet transplantation

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    Continuous Glucose Monitoring Metrics in Islet Transplant Recipients with Long-Term Insulin Independence
    R. Alejandro
    Islet transplant outcomes in the integrated UK programme
    P. Johnson
    Presentation of the French TREPID group (Association pour la transplantation de pancréas et d’îlots dans le diabète) bringing together all the actors of the pancreas and islet transplantation in France.
    L. Badet
    Long Term Renal Function Following Islet Transplantation in the Clinical Islet Transplantation (CIT) Consortium
    M. Rickels
    The impact of the introduction of clinical islet transplantation from brain-dead donors in Japan.
    T. Ito
    Clinical islet transplantation using marginal donors: a single-center experience
    T. Anazawa
    Islet transplantation used to reinstate endogenous insulin production in a young woman with type 1 diabetes suffering from severe sub-cutaneous skin reaction to insulin
    T. Radford
    Reduced Progression Of Diabetic Retinopathy In Type 1 Diabetes With Clinical Islet Transplantation Or Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Compared With Multiple Daily Insulin Injections Over Three Years.
    L. Reid
    The impact of islet purity on metabolic outcome after islet transplantation via portal vein
    G. Yoshimatsu
    Characterization of a modified Mandl collagen degradation activity assay for validating collagenase activity
    RC. Mccarthy

Mini Oral 2 - Pancreas transplantation : technical aspects

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    Pancreas after kidney transplantation with very small and young pediatric donor (17 months & 9 kg) with no arterial y graft
    F. Vistoli
    Pancreas transplantation alone: functional and metabolic differences in portal vs systemic venous drainage
    F. Vistoli
    Single center experience pancreas transplantation with a duodenoduodenostomy as exocrine drainage
    K. Lee
    Impact of anatomical variations in intrapancreatic veins on prevention of venous thrombosis following pancreas transplantation
    K. Kitajima
    Fence angioplasty prevents narrowing of venous anastomosis in solitary pancreas transplant
    B. Choi
    Double arterial reconstruction of the pancreatoduodenal arcade in pancreas transplantation
    M. Perosa
    Experiences of pancreas transplantation from pediatric brain-dead donors in our hospital.
    K. Kurihara
    Gastric Per-Oral Endoscopic Pyloromyotomy (GPOEM) after pancreas transplant – first report
    J. Fridell
    Comparison of Liposomal Bupivacaine with Continuous Catheter Infusion for Transversus Abdominis Plane Block Analgesia in Pancreas Transplant Patients
    J. Fridell

Mini Oral 3 - (Bio)artificial pancreas and stem cells

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    A novel fully-implantable artificial pancreas: site of implant and operational functionality in real human anatomy
    F. Vistoli
    TOWARDS 3D-BIOPRINTING OF BIONIC PANCREAS: Influence of the bioink composition during 3D bioprinting of pancreatic scaffolds on the functionality and viability of pancreatic islets.
    M. Wszoła
    Towards 3D-bioprinting of bionic pancreas: the effect of time of UV crosslinking on pancreatic islets after the bioprinting process.
    M. Gomółka
    Towards 3D-bioprinting of bionic pancreas: effect of pressure on the viability of pancreatic islets.
    P. Kowalska
    Pancreas decellularization protocol - balance between low DNA concentration and structural damage as a condition of successful recellularization.
    A. Berman
    The influence of the flow of detergent and donors characteristic on the extracellular matrix composition after human pancreas decellularization.
    A. Berman
    Bio artificial endocrine pancreas generated from decellularized human placenta for type-1 diabetes treatment
    Fanny Lebreton
    Encapsulation improves differentiation of the human induced pluripotent stem cells towards insulin-producing cells
    L. Ghila
    Co-microencapsulation of human adult mesenchymal stem cells and monolayered islet cells as a hybrid organ to treat type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D)
    G. Basta
    Development of New Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Micro-Bulk Encapsulation Product for the Immuno-Isolation of Human Islets
    D. Scharp

Mini Oral 4 - Clinical and preclinical beta-cell replacement

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    Regional Differences of Islet Distribution in Cynomolgus Monkey
    D. Shin
    The Minimum Islet Number Required for Insulin Independence in Cynomolgus Monkeys After Islet Allotransplantation
    GS. Kim
    Whole Pancreatic Extracellular Matrix Protects Isolated Human Islets from Hypoxia-derived Damage
    D. Brandhorst
    A single-center initial experience using Institut Georges Lopez-1 (IGL-1) solution in clinical pancreas transplantation
    J. Ferrer
    Physical Activity after Transplantation in Pancreas Transplant Recipients
    Y. Kudva
    Current Results After Pancreas Transplantation in Norway
    R. Horneland
    Current status of pancreas transplantation in Japan – Registry report from Japan Pancreas and Islet Association (JPITA)
    T. Kenmochi
    Pancreas transplantation in Brazil: a tendency of decline contrasting to a single-center increase
    M. Perosa
    KEEPING THE FLAME BURNING Maintenance of a High-Volume Pancreas Transplant Program in Times of Crisis
    M. Perosa

Biotechnology shapes the future for beta cell replacement therapy

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    “House of islets”
    Lorenzo Piemonti
    Bioengineering approach to immunosuppression-free islet transplantation
    Haval Shirwan
    Generation of organoids from human pancreatic cells
    Eelco de Koning

Organ preservation « Out of the box »

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    Sorting criteria for the marginal pancreas: waste or recondition ?
    Raja Kandaswamy
    Normothermic regional perfusion of pancreas and islet donors
    Andrew Sutherland
    Hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion in pancreas/islet transplantation
    Vassilios Papalois
    Oxygen persufflation : a feasible and efficient technique for pancreas reconditioning ?
    Klearchos Papas

Oral 3 - Clinical islet allotransplantation

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    Relative Stabilization of Cardiovascular Disease Markers after Islet Cell Transplantation in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes in the Clinical Islet Transplantation (CIT) Islet Alone and Islet After Kidney Pivotal Trials
    KK. Danielson
    Igls criteria applied to the Australian islet transplant program.
    T. Kay
    Validation of the IGLS-score by continuous glucose monitoring, a new tool for evaluating the function of transplanted beta cells
    M. Chetboun
    Peri-transplant glycaemic control does not predict 3-month islet transplant graft function
    I. Shapey
    Islet Transplantation vs. Standard of Care for Type 1 Diabetes Complicated by Severe Hypoglycemia from the Collaborative Islet Transplant Registry (CITR) and the T1D Exchange (T1DX) Registry
    M. Rickels
    The impact of pancreas and islet transplantation on quality of life: a systematic review
    I. Mosca
    Public Coverage of Islet Transplantation for Eligible Candidates: A Study Mandated by Québec’s Ministry of Health and Social Services
    M. Gasparrini
    TNF-alpha blockade during islet transplantation in immunosuppressed recipients
    M. Nijhoff
    Pancreatic Islet Transplantation in Type 1 Diabetes; A Randomized, Double Blinded Trial of the CXCL8-inhibitor Reparixin
    L. Piemonti

Oral 4 - Pancreas procurement and preservation

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    Preliminary results on the effect of HEMO2life®, a marine oxygen carrier, on human pancreases cold preservation
    F. Lemaire
    Hypoxic Preconditioning Reduces Ischemia-induced Damage of Isolated Rat Islets
    D. Brandhorst
    Normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) NRP
    G. Defries
    Revising the UK National Pancreas and Islet Offering Scheme
    J. Casey
    A two-year cohort study of access to a local pancreas retrieval hospital in France
    S. Kharchenko
    Optimising the donor pancreas selection process using hierarchy based decision trees
    I. Shapey
    New trends in preservation solutions: Institut Georges Lopez-1 (IGL-1) for improvement of current clinical standards of pancreas preservation
    J. Ferrer

Oral 5 - Immunosuppression

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    Thymoglobulin Efficacy: The Role of Dosing on Infection and Rejection in Pancreas Transplantation
    H. Sarumi
    Efficacy of everolimus with reduced-dose Mycophenolate Mofetil in pancreas transplant patients
    A. Kawai
    Tacrolimus versus Sirolimus as cornerstone immunosuppression after simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation: 5-year results of an open label, non-inferiority, randomized controlled trial.
    D. Cantarovich
    Sirolimus versus mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in primary combined pancreas and kidney transplantation. Results of a long-term prospective randomized study
    F. Saudek
    Initial experience with Belatacept in Pancreas Transplantation
    P. Uva
    Impact of a CNI-free immunosuppressive regimen on donor specific antibodies, histology and rejection, following simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation
    D. Cantarovich
    Cell-Selective Immunosuppression Enhances Allogenic Islet Transplantation
    J. Burke
    Experience with alemtuzumab induction with tacrolimus/mycophenolate ± steroids in simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant recipients with portal-enteric drainage
    Guiseppe Orlando
    Ten Year Results of a Single Center Study of Rabbit Anti-Thymocyte Globulin Compared to Alemtuzumab Induction in Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation
    Guiseppe Orlando

Oral 6 - Regenerative medicine

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    Proteomic Characterization of the Human Pancreatic Matrisome
    G. Orlando
    Novel water-based, detergent-free decellularization to produce bioactive ECM-based scaffolds for pancreatic islets transplantation
    R. Tamburrini
    Generation of mature β-cells from human pluripotent stem cells in vitro
    G. Nair
    Insulin producing cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC): a comparison with human islets
    S. Pellegrini
    Bioengineering of an iPSC derived vascularized endocrine organ for T1D
    A. Citro
    Biofabrication of a Vascularized Islet Organ for Type 1 Diabetes
    A. Citro
    Islets loaded in hydrogel derived from human amniotic membrane reverse diabetes in SCID mice
    K. Bellofatto
    Shielding islets with human amniotic epithelial cells protects islets against hypoxia and enhances islet engraftment and revascularization after transplantation in a murin diabetic model.
    F. Lebreton
    Pancreatic ECM co-culture enhances phenotypic maturity of stem cell-derived beta cells
    D. Tremmel

Hypes and hopes of the artificial pancreas

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    Current automated insulin delivery systems : what do they really achieve ?
    Alanna Weisman
    Patient-driven R&D : why-how-what ?
    Kate Farnsworth
    Comparison of the DBLHU Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery with Low-Glucose-Predictive-Suspend system in adults with very unstable type 1 diabetes: A Feasibility and Safety trial
    Pierre Yves Benhamou
    Risk-benefit assessment of beta-cell replacement vs automated insulin delivery systems
    Patrik Choudhary

Presidential address/Derek Gray Awards

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    The future of beta-cell replacement is now !
    Thierry Berney
    NWZ Derek Gray Award update
    Nathan Zammit

Oral 7 - Clinical pancreas transplantation : metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes

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    Pancreas transplantation alone with portal vs systemic venous drainage: a propensity score matching comparison
    F. Vistoli
    Pancreas transplantation alone versus islet transplantation alone: metabolic outcomes and perioperative complications
    C. Conte
    Analysis of the skeletal muscle mass in simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation patients
    N. Aida
    Assessment of insulin sensitivity in pancreas and islet transplant recipients
    C. Wassmer
    Impact of pancreas transplantation on bile acids, incretins and glucose metabolism.
    C. Fournie
    Impact of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation on post-transplant major adverse cardiovascular events in type 1 diabetic patients with end-stage renal disease
    P. Ventura-Aguiar
    Symptomatic Coronary Artery Disease after Simultaneous Kidney-Pancreas Transplantation
    R. Knight
    Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension: an iatrogenic complication of successful pancreas transplantation?
    RJ. Knight
    Outcomes after Pancreas Transplantation Alone based on Pre-transplant CMV and EBV Serology Status
    Y. Kudva

Oral 8 - Clinical islet allotransplantation

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    45-Year Experience with Allo-Islet Transplantation.
    J. Harmon
    Challenges to effective long-term follow-up after islet transplantation in a large transplant centre with an expanding recipient cohort.
    C. Ibbotson
    Islet transplantation within the NHS program is associated with reduced fear of hypoglycaemia and improved diabetes-specific quality of life
    A. Flatt
    BETA-2 Based On Single Fasting Blood Sample Allows To Define and Discriminate Optimal And Suboptimal Islet Allograft Function Prior to The Need For Reintroduction of Insulin Support.
    P. Bachul
    In vivo quality control of human islets in 165 immunodeficient mice to predict islet function in man: a retrospective study in 87 clinical transplants.
    J. Kerr-Conte
    Importance of insulin content on insulin secretion during islet evaluation
    V. Gmyr
    Differences by Recipient and Donor Sex in Clinical Outcomes Following Islet Cell Transplantation for Type 1 Diabetes
    KK. Danielson
    Stable Graft Function and Glycemic Control after Clinical Islet Transplantation on the Omentum
    R. Alejandro
    Pancreas donation after euthanasia – a suitable islet source for transplantation?
    A. Steffen

Oral 9 - Islet xenotransplantation

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    IgM immunotherapy for islet allo and xeno tolerance induction.
    K. Brayman
    Consistent long-term porcine islet survival in nonhuman primates (NHPs) using a clinically available immunosuppression regimen
    CG. Park
    Use of oxygen consumption rate dynamics to establish a metabolic profile of porcine islets after injury
    Z. Swanson
    Development of Young Porcine Islet maturation in vitro monitoring by Helper dependent Adenovirus carrying INS-Venus
    Y. Yamashita-Sugahara
    Optimisation of an adeno-associated virus gene delivery into neonatal porcine islets
    N.W. Zammit
    Prenatal Porcine Pancreas as Source for Islet Cell Grafts
    I. De Mesmaeker

Oral 10 - Islet graft assessment and monitoring

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    A new molecular quality control: NKX6.1 gene expression predicts human beta cell potency in nude mouse bioassay and men.
    J. Kerr-Conte
    Semi-automated analysis of human islet viability demonstrates better correlations with transplantation outcomes over manual viability assessment in a diabetic mouse model
    H. Komatsu
    Differentially methylated cell‐free DNA monitoring in pancreas transplant recipients with functioning graft
    P. Ventura-Aguiar
    Significance of Hypoxia and Inflammation-Mediated Stress Specific Peritransplant Exosomal MiRNAs in Islet Transplantation
    P. Saravanan
    Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 as a marker of islet function after transplantation
    R. Meier
    The novel “Glucose-Dependent Insulin Secretion Rate” (GDISR) detects a time-dependent deterioration in islet graft function following first transplant
    RM. Spiers
    LacripepTM and its analogs promote islet viability and enhance insulin secretion – A novel approach as an interventional agent to promote islet graft survival?
    K. Brayman
    A promising strategy for ameliorating the islet allograft engraftment; “pre-conditioning” islet cells by mitomycin-C
    K. Yamane
    The use of FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System to monitor Blood Glucose Levels in Large Animal Porcine Model.
    D. Penko

Mini Oral 5 - Pancreas transplantation: outcomes and complications

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    Does the cause of primary graft failure affect long term results in pancreas re-transplantation ?
    J. Ferrer
    May Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI) become the pancreas predictive factor after simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation from marginal donors?
    S. Miyagi
    Progression of Peripheral Vascular Disease after Kidney/Pancreas (KP) Transplantation
    R. Knight
    Sudden blindness as an early complication of pancreas transplantation
    A. Andres
    Endovascular management of vascular complications following pancreas transplantation
    J. Branchereau
    Arterio-enteric fistulae complicating failed pancreatic grafts: A case for prophylactic transplant pancreatectomy?
    S. Cottee
    Donor-Derived Cell-Free DNA for surveillance in Simultaneous Pancreas and Kidney Transplant Recipients, can we extrapolate from Kidney Transplant Alone?
    O.K. Olaitan
    Characterization of Metabolism in Pancreas Transplant Recipients.
    Y. Kudva
    Late pancreas allograft failure due to diabetes recurrence following SPK transplantation
    D. Cantarovich

Mini Oral 6 - Immunology and graft rejection

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    What factors most influence the high immunological graft loss rate in young recipients of a pancreas transplants alone ?
    A. Gruessner
    Impact of an immunosuppressive regimen on maintaining long-term insulin independence from islet allograft: retrospective study of 43 patients in Lille
    M Chetboun
    Kidney function and metabolic parameters after simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation: results of a prospective and randomized study comparing Tacrolimus versus Sirolimus
    D. Cantarovich
    Relationship between histological rejection status and glucose metabolism in pancreas graft recipients
    T. Havrdova
    Evolution of Interleukin 7, Body Composition and Metabolic Profile Before and After Islet Transplantation
    E. Vernotte
    Functional Immune tolerance following islet cell transplant with alemtuzumab induction: A case study
    K. Duncan
    Sirolimus de Novo and Flexible PCR Cutoff Interpretation in Pancreas Transplant Recipients Receiving No Pharmacological Prophylaxis for Cytomegalovirus Infection Minimizes The Need of CMV Treatment
    M. Perosa
    Development of a novel immunosuppression-free cell device for pancreatic islet transplantation
    M. Goto
    Establishment of islet allograft acceptance by mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase via suppression of alloreactive T cells
    S. Tada

Mini Oral 7 - Islet autotransplantation

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    Quantitative Analysis of Microbial Contamination in Islet Isolation for Total Pancreatectomy and Islet Auto Transplantation (TPIAT): Development of Bioburden Reduction Strategies
    Z. Swanson
    Assessment of Four Metabolic Testing Protocols to Estimate Islet Number and Mass in Adults Undergoing Total Pancreatectomy with Islet Autotransplantation
    M. Bellin
    Advanced Genetic Testing as an Adjunct to Clinical Decision-Making in TPIAT: A Case Report
    M. Levy
    Endocrine Cell Identity in patients with Chronic Pancreatitis Undergoing Islet Autotransplantation
    O. Sabek
    Impact of Sarcopenia on Total Pancreatectomy and Auto Islet Transplantation in Chronic Pancreatitis Patients
    R. Shahbazov
    The Effect of Tobacco Use and Disability Status on Surgical Outcomes Following Total Pancreatectomy with Islet Autotransplantation
    B. Gutama
    The First Report of Total Pancreatectomy and Islet Cell Auto-transplantation for Pancreatic Cystosis in Patient with Cystic Fibrosis
    C.S. Desai
    COMPARISON OF PANCREATA AND ISLET PREPARATIONS FROM HUMAN ORGAN DONORS - Influence of family history of diabetes or marginal levels of HbA1C
    T. Loudovaris

Mini Oral 8 - Experimental beta-cell replacement

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    Characterisation of novel porous membranes for Beta-cell encapsulation
    R. Beatty
    Feasibility of islet transplantation into device-less subcutaneous implant site with co-administration of a necrosis inhibitor
    H. Kim
    Islet Encapsulation with Tannic Acid Suppresses Chemokine Production and Prolongs Graft Function
    J. Barra
    Keratinocyte Growth Factor-Releasing Particles Enhance Islet Engraftment and Improve Metabolic Control in a Model of Type 1 Diabetes in Mice
    S. Forbes
    Spheroid engineering for 3D cell culture: which method to choose?
    C. Wassmer
    Improving β-cell function by co-culturing with human umbilical vein endothelial cells and amniotic epithelial cells
    C. Wassmer
    Human Amniotic Epithelial Cells and Amniotic Membrane as a Vehicle for Islet Transplantation
    W. Cui
    Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes attenuates hypoxia-induced islets damage
    E. Lee
    The effect of NecroX-7 on islets against oxidative stress and inflammation
    H. Lee
    Is a local release of insulin from islet graft crucial for liver impairment?
    J. Kriz

Type 2 diabetes: a surgical disease ?

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    Bariatric surgery : reviving the failing beta cells in type 2 diabetes
    Sayeed Ikramuddin
    Pancreas transplantation : replacing the failing beta cells in type 2 diabetes
    Jon S. Odorico

Letter to the (gene) editor

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    Genome editing made easy (« Genome editing for dummies » ?)
    Danwei Huangfu
    Will gene editing carry pig islets to the clinic ?
    Eckhard Wolf
    Can genome editing produce "universal human cells" for transplantation ?
    Gregory Block

Oral 11 - Clinical pancreas transplantation : outcomes and complications

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    Pancreatic Thrombosis with ultra-short graft vein technique: a single –center experience
    F. Danziere
    Possibilities of interventional radiology in pancreas transplantation complications
    A. Surowiecka-Pastewka
    Minimizing rates of technical graft loss, reoperations and hospital stay in pancreas transplantation. An evolutive analysis
    M. Perosa
    Pancreas Transplantation in the Elderly Patient - What do they Gain?
    A. Gruessner
    Long-term Pancreas Graft Function – What can we expect in the Future?
    A. Gruessner
    Continued improved outcome after simultaneous pancreas kidney transplantation despite low case load. A single center cohort.
    D. Monbaliu

Oral 12 - Islet isolation

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    Donor age-related differences in the digestibility of key pancreatic extracellular matrix proteins may help to explain poorer islet isolation outcomes from younger human donors
    RM. Spiers
    Role of protease in digesting peri-islet basement membrane for the release of mantle free islets from young donor pancreases
    G. Loganathan
    Influence of collagenase activity dosing on the outcome of clinical islet isolation
    A. Friberg
    Comparison of Collagenase Sources for Maximal Recovery of Human Islet Equivalents (IEQ)
    D. Scharp
    Should we return to adjusting collagenase dosage to account for pancreas weight?
    S.J. Hughes
    Comparing islet isolation from non-diabetic donors with and without islet autoantibodies
    C. Liu
    Utilization of an "old school" supplemental purification technique allowed safe intraportal pancreatic islet transplantation. The first case of islet allotransplantation in Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland.
    J.E. Golebiewska
    Validation of a Completely Closed, Continuous Islet Isolation Machine for Islet Autotransplantation by a Microsphere Model
    J. Doppenberg
    IsletNet: an Online Service for Standardized Islet Counting
    D. Habart

Oral 13 - Islet engraftment and extra-hepatic implantation sites

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    Parathyroid CD34+ cells induce neovascularization from donor and recipient leading to chimeric vessel formation and improved engraftment of co-transplanted pancreatic islets
    Y. Kelly
    Illuminating brown adipose tissue as a novel site for islet transplantation
    J. Kepple
    Pilot Study on Pancreatic Islet Cell Implantation in Omentum of Type 1 Diabetes Patients
    F. Van Hulle
    Pre-transplant intermittent normobaric oxygen inhalation therapy to recipients increases vascularity of subcutaneous graft beds and improves engraftment in rat islet transplantations
    H. Komatsu
    Sandwiching islets using clinically proven, biodegradable mesh to mitigate hypoxic damage in subcutaneous islet transplantation
    H. Komatsu
    A novel type of intraperitoneal islet transplantation named “rolling-up method using epididymal adipose tissue”.
    N. Sakata
    Does A CXCR1/2 Inhibitor (Reparixin) Improve Islet Cell Engraftment And Clinical Outcomes After Pancreatic Islet Allotransplantation In Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus? Results of A Randomized, Double Blind, Prospective Study from the University of Chicago.
    P. Bachul
    Reduction in islet requirement for diabetes cell therapy: Preclinical study
    E. Maillard

Oral 14 - Experimental beta-cell replacement

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    BMP-dependent SMAD-FOXO1 transcriptional synergy is a critical mechanism of tacrolimus-associated human ß-cell failure
    APJ. De Vries
    Steroidal lactone Withaferin A prolongs islet allograft survival by modulating immune response toward protective T cell subsets
    Fucoidan Enhances the Function and Reduces Apoptosis of Mouse Islets
    H. Jang
    Innate immune sensing and tissue remodelling of a biodegradable tempering matrix supported islet graft.
    S. Walters
    Reconstructing the in vivo niche for improved islet culture and transplantation
    D. Tremmel
    Optimization of ColG:ColH ratio to establish donor tissue specific islet isolation
    Y. Miyazaki
    3D imaging analysis of islet changing after transplantation by organ transparentization
    K. Shinohara
    Raman Microspectroscopy: a powerful tool for understanding donor age-related differences in extracellular matrix protein digestion during human islet isolation
    RM. Spiers
    High-throughput proteomics to characterise donor age-related changes in the extracellular matrix of the human pancreas
    RM. Spiers

Keeping an eye on beta cells : biomarkers to monitor pancreas and islet grafts

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    An Intra-cutaneous alternate transplantation site for islet transplantation
    Toby Coates
    Immune monitoring of signs of rejection and diabetes recurrence
    Paolo Monti
    Genomics of beta cell death
    Bashoo Naziruddin

Immunosuppression tailored for beta-cell replacement

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    Immunometabolism and beta cell replacement
    Marc Donath
    Strategies for beta cell replacement: Pancreas vs Islet
    Peter Stock
    Precision medicine in immunosuppression: how hard can it be ?
    Dorry Segev
    Tolerance induction in beta cell replacement
    Qizhi Tang

Paul Lacy Lecture

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Oral 15 - Islet autotransplantation

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    Islet auto-transplantation after pancreatic cancer surgery
    F. Vistoli
    A Large Administrative Claims Database Analysis of Costs and Patient Demographics Associated With Total Pancreatectomy with Autologous Islet Cell Transplantation
    C.S. Desai
    Risk Factors Associated with Progression Towards Endocrine Insufficiency in Chronic Pancreatitis
    B. Gutama
    Fibrosis scoring of resected pancreas to predict islet transplant outcomes in patients undergoing TPIAT: A retrospective cohort study
    A Randomized and Blinded Trial of Infusion of the CXCL8-inhibitor Reparixin in Autologous Islet Transplant Recipients
    M. Bellin
    Pancreas Transplantation for Chronic Pancreatitis Following Total Pancreatectomy
    J. Fridell

Oral 16 - Clinical pancreas transplantation : graft survival

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    Patient survival advantage of kidney-pancreas over kidney alone at listing or transplant
    E. Finger
    In the new era of pancreas transplantation: Are there immune or non-immune factors that determine the short or long-term graft survival rates of PAK vs SPK transplants?
    M. Laftavi
    Portal-Endocrine and Gastric-Exocrine Drainage Technique in Pancreatic Transplantation
    H. Shokouh-Amiri
    Long-term outcomes of pancreas-after-kidney and islet-after-kidney transplantation
    M. Nijhoff
    Experience of conseccutive 400 cases of pancreas transplantation in a single center in Korea
    Y. Kim

Oral 17 - Transplant immunology

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    Eosinophil to monocyte ratio is the strongest indicator of acute cellular rejection in pancreas transplant alone recipients.
    B. Choi
    Immunoengineering of human stem-cell-derived insulin-producing cells for transplantation
    G. Faleo
    CCL2/MCP1 and CXCL12/SDF-1 blockade by Spiegelmer improves pancreatic islet engraftment and survival in mouse
    A. Citro
    KRP-203 as a desirable immunomodulator for islet transplantation
    I. Fathi

Oral 18 - Experimental beta-cell replacement

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    Pseudo-islets gearing up for the clinics : feasibility, reproducibility, residual donor signature?
    A. Vaissié
    Assessment of a novel hydrogel to replace extracellular matrix lost in isolated islets prior to transplantation: impact of collagen/alginate/fibrin hydrogel on islet morphology, viability and function
    N. Kattner
    Generation of ß cells from iPSC: the contribution of human pancreatic mesenchymal and endothelial cells
    M.T. Lombardo
    Improved Human Islet Function and Survival When Culturing with a cGMP Human Growth Factor Product
    G.L. Szot
    Macro encapsulation of functional hESCs-derived insulin producing cells.
    K. Molakandov
    Assessment of 3D-Bioprinted Human Regulatory T-cells using IL-2 and CCL1 Supplemented Alginate-GelMA Bioink
    J. Kim

Dinosaur Challenge

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    Battle 1: Why have we not yet achieved immunological tolerance? Are you fooling us, or are you fooling yourselves!
    Nathan Zammit
    Battle 1: Why have we not yet achieved immunological tolerance? Are you fooling us, or are you fooling yourselves!
    Alice Koenig
    Battle 1: Why have we not yet achieved immunological tolerance? Are you fooling us, or are you fooling yourselves!
    Shane Grey
    Battle 1: Why have we not yet achieved immunological tolerance? Are you fooling us, or are you fooling yourselves!
    Qizhi Tang
    Battle 2: You dinosaurs will be considered butchers for doing pancreas transplants in the near future!
    Julien Brancherau
    Battle 2: You dinosaurs will be considered butchers for doing pancreas transplants in the near future!
    Raphael Meier
    Battle 2: You dinosaurs will be considered butchers for doing pancreas transplants in the near future!
    Peter Stock
    Battle 2: You dinosaurs will be considered butchers for doing pancreas transplants in the near future!
    Jon Odorico
    Battle 3: Islet transplantation will be extinct, like you dinosaurs, before its full potential is realized!
    Adriana Migliorini
    Battle 3: Islet transplantation will be extinct, like you dinosaurs, before its full potential is realized!
    Christian Schuetz
    Battle 3: Islet transplantation will be extinct, like you dinosaurs, before its full potential is realized!
    François Pattou
    Battle 3: Islet transplantation will be extinct, like you dinosaurs, before its full potential is realized!
    Eelco de Koning

Beta cell grafts for all

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    Novel immunomodulatory approaches for porcine islet xenotransplantation
    Chung Gyu Park
    Organ manufacturing by interspecies blastocyst complementation
    Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte
    Challenges and opportunities of hESC-derived β cells for T1D therapy
    Cristina Nostro
    Re-create beta cell development in a dish – a source for future cell therapy
    Henrik Semb

PITCH presentation finals

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    PITCH #4
    I. Shapey
    PITCH #1
    C. Wassmer
    PITCH #1
    S. Shaikh
    PITCH #2
    C. Ward
    PITCH #2
    T. Robert
    PITCH #3
    T. Prudhomme
    PITCH #3
    MF. Desentis-Desentis
    PITCH #4
    A. Surowiecka-Pastewka